While our online approach helps alleviate costs, we absolutely still offer physical studio time at an incredibly reduced rate for students that want to experience in-person sessions and techniques. Our online curriculum includes solo & group remote sessions from the comfort of your homes, though we also offer physical studio time packages at an even further reduced rate for remote students. This allows the student to produce at a studio remotely from their home while musicians are hired to come in to the location and perform for them.
In Person Studio Time For Projects
Local area students in the Toronto, ON area (Canada) are welcome to purchase studio time in order to perform their final projects in a physical studio environment. An instructor and/or studio assistant is always present during these sessions to help make your time most efficient. During initial sessions, practical class content is reviewed with an instructor while setting up real world environments. As sessions move on over time, the student is shifted into leading the sessions as the instructor/assistant is in attendance to keep things moving if needed.
Remote Studio Time For Online Students
Studio time can also be purchased by remote students at an even further reduced rate. While this may seem counter-intuitive, it allows our remote students another option for project work. Local Toronto area musicians are hired for these sessions and an instructor and/or assistant is always physically present in the studio as well. The online student attends the session remotely, with cameras setup throughout the studio space. This allows online students the ability to produce the session from afar while also working remotely with the instructor/assistant to be deeply involved with the setup and technical aspects. Extra time and patience is given by the local team to help answer any and all questions the online student has to increase their real world experience.
Physical Studio Group Workshops

We also offer 4 to 8 hour group workshops led by an instructor at 'The Recording Factory' studio every few months. These workshops are open to both students and the general public at $100-$150 per in person ticket or $50-$75 per remote attendance. The instructor explains in studio techniques and performs them in real time to demonstrate their application. Questions will be answered in real time for all in attendance. Keep an eye out on our social media pages and your email inbox for notice on workshop announcements. Some topics covered in these studio workshops are listed below:

- Recording Vocals

- Advanced Drumkit Recording

- Bedtrack Recording A Full Band

- Recording Acoustic Instruments

- Achieving Depth While Mixing

- Achieving Loudness While Mixing

- Recording Electric Guitar & Bass

- Mastering Several Songs For Release

- Mixing From A Hybrid Approach With Both Hardware And Software

- Compression While Recording vs. Co-ordinating Compressors While Mixing

- Start To Finish: Recording, Mixing & Mastering For Release (several workshops long)

Want to find out more about our online courses?
View our approach to remote classes
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The Institute of Modern Recording specializes in affordable audio production training and one-on-one style mentorship.

With remote and in-person options available, we concentrate on extending old school studio assistant training in a modern refreshed format. Physical studio workshops take place at "The Recording Factory", located in Toronto, ON (Canada).


The Recording Factory
105 Brockhouse Rd.
Unit 104
Etobicoke, ON
M8W 2W8

© The Institute of Modern Recording, 2024. All rights reserved.
A division of Resonance Audio Group.
Website and class contents are copyrighted.
Requests for usage of copyrighted materials should be submitted to